Dosing and Side Effects

How Much Should I Take and How Will It Affect Me?
Once you have confirmed a serotonin deficiency, you will need to determine the proper dose of 5-HTP supplement for your needs. Chemical imbalances vary greatly from person to person so dosing will be different for everyone. Since you should already have your physician's approval, (s)he probably suggested a starting dose to treat your symptoms. Consulting a physician helps prevent initial overdoses and unnecessary side effects.
This page gives typical dosages, their intended purposes, and their results. I've also included a list of common & severe side effects and their causes. This data is an accumulation of feedback from individuals who have taken 5-HTP supplements for more than 6 months as well as information provided by physicians, supplement manufacturers, and clinical reviewers (as published on the internet).

Dosing Details
Over-the-counter supplements are typically sold in 50mg and 100mg capsules. Reported dosages range from 10mg, taken once daily, to 300mg taken three times daily. Please note, the maximum recommended daily consumption (except for extreme cases) is 100mg for adults and 50mg for children 10 to 18 years old. Taking more than the recommended limit of 5-HTP supplements increases the frequency and severity of side effects and can lead to more serious illnesses (see the ‘Severe Side Effects’ below). Children under 10 years of age should not take 5-HTP supplements unless instructed to do so by a licensed physician. There have been no studies to determine the effects of 5-HTP supplements on children under 18 years of age. The first day you try 5-HTP, it's best to take it at a time of day when you have the fewest obligations. Early to late afternoon seems to work best for this. Consider this a 'trial run' to see how it will affect you.

Week 1: 10-25mg daily (max 10mg/day for children 10-18 years), taken as either a single dose or divided into two half-doses - one for a.m. and one for p.m. For those with a low body weight, taking two half-doses is advised. If preliminary blood tests showed significantly low serotonin levels (typical with depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, OCD, obesity, and fibromyalgia), a two-week initial trial period is recommended.

Your reactions during the initial 'test week' will help you decide whether to maintain, reduce, or increase the dosage as follows:
Week 2 (too low): Increase to 25-50mg daily (max 25mg/day for children), taken as a single dose or two half-doses, if you experienced drowsiness, irritability, minimal change in appetite, and/or symptoms of depression. These effects are a result of too little serotonin in your system.

Week 2 (too high): Decrease to a half-dose twice a day or a single dose every other day, if you experienced over-stimulation or excitability, heightened anxiety, vomiting, dizziness or light-headedness, racing thoughts, extremely vivid nightmares, full-body tingling, and/or a significant decrease in appetite. These effects result from too much serotonin in your system, possibly as a result of normal natural production in your body. If shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat or heart palpitations are also present, you should discontinue use. If you continue experiencing these effects after week two, you should have your serotonin levels retested.

Weeks 3 & 4: increase or decrease the dose frequency or the dose amount (in 25mg increments for adults, 10mg for children), according to the guidelines above. Again, do not take more than 100mg of 5-HTP supplement per day, unless instructed to do so by an experience, licensed physician or qualified homeopathic adviser.

Goal results: ability to focus/mental clarity; moderate change in appetite; generally positive, stable mood; absence of or significantly reduced anxiety; and restful sleep at bedtime. These effects, when experienced for several days in a row, indicate proper levels of serotonin and melatonin production in your body.
If, after following these guidelines for four weeks, you have not reached the goal results then you should speak with your doctor or homeopathic adviser to re-evaluate whether 5-HTP supplements are right for you.

Weeks 5-8: If you achieved the goal results within the first four weeks, you can continue taking 5-HTP supplements. Maintain the amount and frequency of doses you were taking when you attained these results (called your 'preferred dose').

After Week 8: Continue your dose amount, reducing frequency to every other day. Since you have replenished the low serotonin levels, you do not require as much 5-HTP supplement. At this point, you should only take 5-HTP supplements to keep these levels balanced. Prolonged/permanent use is not advised. Many 5-HTP supplement users take their preferred dose for three or four weeks then reduce or stop their frequency for three to four weeks and continue this cycle. Some users require their preferred dose on a consistent schedule. Only you and your doctor can determine what works for you.

Side Effects
The majority of people, who have taken 5-HTP supplements for more than six months, experience no side effects at all. Most of the time, side effects result from consuming improper quantities of the supplement, as noted in the dosage details. The common effects were reported in less than 40% of studied cases and the severe side effects were reported in less than 1% of cases studied.

Common Side Effects
Since your body has learned, over the years, to accommodate serotonin/melatonin deficiencies in your system, you will likely experience the following side effects until your body adjusts to normal levels:
(Listed in order from most reported to least reported, most stop within the first month)
Reduced Libido - due to new, increased levels of serotonin in your brain (which decreases dopamine, affecting libido)
Nausea (mild) - due to new, increased levels of serotonin in your digestive system
Diarrhea - due to the new, increased levels of serotonin in your digestive system
Drowsiness - due to new, increased levels of melatonin in your system
Vivid Dreams/Nightmares - due to new, increased levels of serotonin in your brain
Heartburn - due to additives in the specific supplement you're taking (switching brands resolves this)

Severe Side Effects
In extremely rare cases, despite taking every precaution, these severe side effects can occur:
Serotonin Syndrome - due to extremely high serotonin levels in the body for an extended period of time; Taking any substance that increases serotonin in your body, whether it's prescribed or a supplement, creates a risk for Serotonin Syndrome. Taking these substances when you have a normal natural production of serotonin will greatly increase your risks. Serotonin syndrome also results from taking more than one serotonin-promoting medication/supplement at the same time or starting one shortly after stopping another. Read more about the symptoms and warnings of Serotonin Syndrome on the 'Hesitations' page.
EMS, or Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome - due to a specific strain of bacteria used to prepare tryptophan supplements; EMS has yet to be reported as a side effect of taking 5-HTP supplements but can be a risk when taking poorly prepared capsules or off-brands. Read more about EMS symptoms and warnings on the 'Hesitations' page.

Disclaimer: These simplified explanations are based on my understanding of the medical and chemical terms and processes after extensive research. I have made every effort to investigate each word, reaction, process, etc. to the greatest extent. I am, by no means, an expert in either the medical or chemistry fields of study. Please feel free to consult an expert or conduct your own research for verification of any statement on this site.

ATTENTION MEDICAL AND CHEMISTRY PROFESSIONALS: If I have misinterpreted, misstated, and/or misrepresented any of the details of tryptophan and/or 5-HTP processes or definitions in relation to human physiology, PLEASE provide me with the correct information so I can update the statements on this site. Thanks!