Umm, I Still Have Doubts and Questions!
There are some alarming reports on the web about 5-HTP supplements. When I read through them, I was hesitant about taking 5-HTP. So, I did some digging into the sources of these reports and found several hitches to them. I also noticed lots of people who considered adding 5-HTP supplements to their lives but who were very confused about the risks and rewards. These people had tons of questions, most similar to my own and any direct responses were either more confusing or simply speculative. This page addresses the facts and myths found in reports about 5-HTP supplement use and covers frequently asked questions.
Hesistations - Facts or Myths?
The most worrisome reports state that 5-HTP supplements might cause EMS and/or Serotonin Syndrome. Here are the facts and misrepresentations about each of these illnesses. The details below include descriptions, symptoms, causes, and the connection to 5-HTP supplements for both.
EMS Facts
EMS, or Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome, is a significant, and possibly life-threatening, condition. Initial symptoms include: acute pain in the face, joints, and muscles; high fever, sweating, and severe fatigue; excessive swelling or bloating; numbness, tingling, or burning throughout the body; abnormal, rapid heartbeat; shortness of breath; tremors; headache; and hair loss. Long-term effects: memory loss; diminished concentration; chronic muscle pain; joint pain and joint conditions; high blood pressure and heart disease; depression and similar disorders; sleep disorders; liver diseases; and even death.
EMS is caused by toxic substances in the blood stream triggering a severe allergic/immune reaction. The immune system's extreme response causes mass-production of certain white blood cells. These cells attempt to over-correct the toxicity, ultimately destroying body tissues. This process can be compared to an autoimmune disorder (like Rheumatoid arthritis) multiplied to a much greater degree.
EMS, triggered by contaminants (Peak X) in a single batch of over-the-counter tryptophan-based supplements, caused 29 deaths between July and November 1989. An investigation into the supplements revealed that the manufacturer had "cut corners" during the purification process for this specific batch. In 1991, the US-FDA banned tryptophan-inclusive supplements, citing the 1989 incident, and most countries across the world followed suit. Peak X is the compound that the US-FDA attributed to the EMS outbreak. At best, there is sketchy data making this connection.
In 2001, the US-FDA legalized 5-HTP supplements and protein supplements containing tryptophan. Due to restrictions imposed by the US-FDA in 2001, quality brands contain absolutely no traces of Peak X. Some off-brand 5-HTP supplements have trace amounts of Peak X. Check the label on your supplements for Peak X and other harmful contaminants. To date, there has not been a single case of EMS reported that was directly linked with 5-HTP supplements. However, the risk is still real. If you take large quantities of off-brand supplements then you are at greater risk of developing EMS.
Serotonin Syndrome Facts
Serotonin Syndrome, or SS, is a potentially lethal condition that results mostly from a severe drug reaction or overdose. Initial symptoms, which usually begin to show within minutes of a reaction, are: signs of over-stimulation (accelerated heart rate, shaking, twitching, sweating, dilated pupils, etc.); mental dysfunction (confusion, hallucinations, mania, etc.); and headaches. Moderate and Severe symptoms include: fever; rapid or racing heart beat; high blood pressure; hyperactive bowel sounds; overactive reflexes and twitching in the legs and arms; severe anxiety and agitation; and even shock.
Serotonin Syndrome is caused by an over-abundant supply of serotonin in the blood stream, or serotonin 'poisoning'. Taking more than one serotonin-moderating drug at a time, taking one serotonin-moderating drug too soon after stopping another, or abusing some recreational/street drugs can lead to serotonin syndrome.
Following the directions of a physician, when taking 5-HTP supplements, is the best way to avoid serotonin poisoning. However, the risk is still real. If you take 5-HTP supplements improperly (wrong dose, co-medicating, etc.) then you are at greater risk of developing SS.
Frequently Asked Questions
With each page of this blog, I have made every effort to address the most common concerns and questions regarding 5-HTP supplements. Still, some questions are unique and don't quite fall into any of these categories. I have listed them below and provided the best response, compiled from my research.
Can I take 5-HTP supplements with other over-the-counter "natural" supplements?
Most truly natural over-the-counter supplements are safe to take with 5-HTP. Clearly, you should avoid high protein supplements since they may contain tryptophan. A fairly good measure is to check the side effects of the secondary supplement. If many or all of them are similar to those of 5-HTP, then it's probably not safe to use the two together. Of course, I advise you to consult your physician to verify that there are no conflicting ingredients.
More specifically, secondary supplements that many people want to know about are: Omega-3, Omega-6, or Omega complex; Co-Q10 and amino acid complex; B-complex or any specific B vitamins; Flax seed, Primrose, and other essential oils; Echinacea, Ginkgo Biloba, St. John's Wort, Ginseng and other herbal supplements; Magnesium, Iron, and other elemental supplements; Sam-E supplements; and daily multivitamins. Omega supplements (all combinations), B vitamins (all combinations), Co-Q10 and daily multivitamins are mostly safe if taken in minimal quantities. A low dose of vitamin B6 can be especially helpful when taken with 5-HTP supplements. It aids in regulating serotonin levels in the blood by eliminating excess 5-HTP. I recommend stabilizing your 5-HTP supplement dosage before adding B6 vitamins. Essential oils, Amino acid supplements, and herbal supplements carry more risk. Taking many supplements together also presents greater risks. Consult your physician if you are interesting in taking more than one supplement or supplements that increase risk. Taking SAMe or elemental supplements are discouraged. SAMe is designed to enhance serotonin levels so combining it with 5-HTP could have severe, adverse side effects like Serotonin Syndrome/poisoning. Magnesium, Iron, and other elemental supplements can change 5-HTP into unwanted or harmful byproducts instead of serotonin. These byproducts can cause serious side effects and illnesses.
Is it safe to take aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or other over-the-counter pain relievers while taking 5-HTP supplements?
It does not appear that taking any of these medications conflicts with 5-HTP though there is very little information available to support this statement. In terms of medical or chemical rationale, these drugs act as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics and shouldn't cause any adverse reactions, in most cases. Naturally, you should check with your physician.
I've heard/read that 5-HTP supplements can help with symptoms of PMS. Is this true?
There have been mixed reports about the effects of 5-HTP supplements on PMS symptoms. Again, let's consider the medical process here. Serotonin is linked with estrogen. PMS generally results from imbalanced estrogen in the system. Improving serotonin production can help balance estrogen and, therefore, reduce symptoms of PMS. However, no clinical trials have testing this possible solution.
You mentioned adding tryptophan-rich foods to your diet. What are they and can you still eat them while taking 5-HTP?
Foods containing tryptophan, beginning with the highest concentration, are: dried egg whites, dried spirulina, dried Atlantic cod, raw soybeans, Pepita, Parmesan cheese, Caribou, sesame seed, cheddar cheese, sunflower seeds, and pork chops. Any others contain less than 25% tryptophan per gram of food. Consuming normal quantities of these items is perfectly fine while taking 5-HTP supplements. The amount of tryptophan gained from food converts to minimal 5-HTP after the break-down process. Therefore, you'd have to eat a LOT of these foods to generate enough 5-HTP to negatively interact with supplements. Given the types of foods that contain the greatest quantities of tryptophan, it would be relatively difficult to consume a LOT of them.
What else is in 5-HTP supplements and are these additives safe?
Most quality brands of 5-HTP supplements contain only 5-HTP. Some reputable brands contain 5-HTP and Vitamin B6 and/or Vitamin B12 (Note: some labels list pyridoxal-5-phosphate, P5P, or PLP. This is a simplified form of B6.) The B6 (P5P/PLP) and B12 additives are beneficial because they help neutralize excess 5-HTP in the system. Other acceptable additives are L-tyrosine and L-glutamine, which help with the proper absorption of serotonin in the blood stream and digestive system. Since they allow for higher serotonin levels, they should be taken only when Vitamin B6 (P5P/PLP) is also included. For more information on brand differences, as well as recommended manufacturers and other details, please check the "Suppliers" page.
If you don't see the answers to your remaining questions here, please visit the "Forum" page and post them there. I will do my best to provide an educated, adequately researched response within 24 hours.
Disclaimer: These simplified explanations are based on my understanding of the medical and chemical terms and processes after extensive research. I have made every effort to investigate each word, reaction, process, etc. to the greatest extent. I am, by no means, an expert in either the medical or chemistry fields of study. Please feel free to consult an expert or conduct your own research for verification of any statement on this site.
ATTENTION MEDICAL AND CHEMISTRY PROFESSIONALS: If I have misinterpreted, misstated, and/or misrepresented any of the details of tryptophan and/or 5-HTP processes or definitions in relation to human physiology, PLEASE provide me with the correct information so I can update the statements on this site. Thanks!
There are some alarming reports on the web about 5-HTP supplements. When I read through them, I was hesitant about taking 5-HTP. So, I did some digging into the sources of these reports and found several hitches to them. I also noticed lots of people who considered adding 5-HTP supplements to their lives but who were very confused about the risks and rewards. These people had tons of questions, most similar to my own and any direct responses were either more confusing or simply speculative. This page addresses the facts and myths found in reports about 5-HTP supplement use and covers frequently asked questions.
Hesistations - Facts or Myths?
The most worrisome reports state that 5-HTP supplements might cause EMS and/or Serotonin Syndrome. Here are the facts and misrepresentations about each of these illnesses. The details below include descriptions, symptoms, causes, and the connection to 5-HTP supplements for both.
EMS Facts
EMS, or Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome, is a significant, and possibly life-threatening, condition. Initial symptoms include: acute pain in the face, joints, and muscles; high fever, sweating, and severe fatigue; excessive swelling or bloating; numbness, tingling, or burning throughout the body; abnormal, rapid heartbeat; shortness of breath; tremors; headache; and hair loss. Long-term effects: memory loss; diminished concentration; chronic muscle pain; joint pain and joint conditions; high blood pressure and heart disease; depression and similar disorders; sleep disorders; liver diseases; and even death.
EMS is caused by toxic substances in the blood stream triggering a severe allergic/immune reaction. The immune system's extreme response causes mass-production of certain white blood cells. These cells attempt to over-correct the toxicity, ultimately destroying body tissues. This process can be compared to an autoimmune disorder (like Rheumatoid arthritis) multiplied to a much greater degree.
EMS, triggered by contaminants (Peak X) in a single batch of over-the-counter tryptophan-based supplements, caused 29 deaths between July and November 1989. An investigation into the supplements revealed that the manufacturer had "cut corners" during the purification process for this specific batch. In 1991, the US-FDA banned tryptophan-inclusive supplements, citing the 1989 incident, and most countries across the world followed suit. Peak X is the compound that the US-FDA attributed to the EMS outbreak. At best, there is sketchy data making this connection.
In 2001, the US-FDA legalized 5-HTP supplements and protein supplements containing tryptophan. Due to restrictions imposed by the US-FDA in 2001, quality brands contain absolutely no traces of Peak X. Some off-brand 5-HTP supplements have trace amounts of Peak X. Check the label on your supplements for Peak X and other harmful contaminants. To date, there has not been a single case of EMS reported that was directly linked with 5-HTP supplements. However, the risk is still real. If you take large quantities of off-brand supplements then you are at greater risk of developing EMS.
Serotonin Syndrome Facts
Serotonin Syndrome, or SS, is a potentially lethal condition that results mostly from a severe drug reaction or overdose. Initial symptoms, which usually begin to show within minutes of a reaction, are: signs of over-stimulation (accelerated heart rate, shaking, twitching, sweating, dilated pupils, etc.); mental dysfunction (confusion, hallucinations, mania, etc.); and headaches. Moderate and Severe symptoms include: fever; rapid or racing heart beat; high blood pressure; hyperactive bowel sounds; overactive reflexes and twitching in the legs and arms; severe anxiety and agitation; and even shock.
Serotonin Syndrome is caused by an over-abundant supply of serotonin in the blood stream, or serotonin 'poisoning'. Taking more than one serotonin-moderating drug at a time, taking one serotonin-moderating drug too soon after stopping another, or abusing some recreational/street drugs can lead to serotonin syndrome.
Following the directions of a physician, when taking 5-HTP supplements, is the best way to avoid serotonin poisoning. However, the risk is still real. If you take 5-HTP supplements improperly (wrong dose, co-medicating, etc.) then you are at greater risk of developing SS.
Frequently Asked Questions
With each page of this blog, I have made every effort to address the most common concerns and questions regarding 5-HTP supplements. Still, some questions are unique and don't quite fall into any of these categories. I have listed them below and provided the best response, compiled from my research.
Can I take 5-HTP supplements with other over-the-counter "natural" supplements?
Most truly natural over-the-counter supplements are safe to take with 5-HTP. Clearly, you should avoid high protein supplements since they may contain tryptophan. A fairly good measure is to check the side effects of the secondary supplement. If many or all of them are similar to those of 5-HTP, then it's probably not safe to use the two together. Of course, I advise you to consult your physician to verify that there are no conflicting ingredients.
More specifically, secondary supplements that many people want to know about are: Omega-3, Omega-6, or Omega complex; Co-Q10 and amino acid complex; B-complex or any specific B vitamins; Flax seed, Primrose, and other essential oils; Echinacea, Ginkgo Biloba, St. John's Wort, Ginseng and other herbal supplements; Magnesium, Iron, and other elemental supplements; Sam-E supplements; and daily multivitamins. Omega supplements (all combinations), B vitamins (all combinations), Co-Q10 and daily multivitamins are mostly safe if taken in minimal quantities. A low dose of vitamin B6 can be especially helpful when taken with 5-HTP supplements. It aids in regulating serotonin levels in the blood by eliminating excess 5-HTP. I recommend stabilizing your 5-HTP supplement dosage before adding B6 vitamins. Essential oils, Amino acid supplements, and herbal supplements carry more risk. Taking many supplements together also presents greater risks. Consult your physician if you are interesting in taking more than one supplement or supplements that increase risk. Taking SAMe or elemental supplements are discouraged. SAMe is designed to enhance serotonin levels so combining it with 5-HTP could have severe, adverse side effects like Serotonin Syndrome/poisoning. Magnesium, Iron, and other elemental supplements can change 5-HTP into unwanted or harmful byproducts instead of serotonin. These byproducts can cause serious side effects and illnesses.
Is it safe to take aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or other over-the-counter pain relievers while taking 5-HTP supplements?
It does not appear that taking any of these medications conflicts with 5-HTP though there is very little information available to support this statement. In terms of medical or chemical rationale, these drugs act as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics and shouldn't cause any adverse reactions, in most cases. Naturally, you should check with your physician.
I've heard/read that 5-HTP supplements can help with symptoms of PMS. Is this true?
There have been mixed reports about the effects of 5-HTP supplements on PMS symptoms. Again, let's consider the medical process here. Serotonin is linked with estrogen. PMS generally results from imbalanced estrogen in the system. Improving serotonin production can help balance estrogen and, therefore, reduce symptoms of PMS. However, no clinical trials have testing this possible solution.
You mentioned adding tryptophan-rich foods to your diet. What are they and can you still eat them while taking 5-HTP?
Foods containing tryptophan, beginning with the highest concentration, are: dried egg whites, dried spirulina, dried Atlantic cod, raw soybeans, Pepita, Parmesan cheese, Caribou, sesame seed, cheddar cheese, sunflower seeds, and pork chops. Any others contain less than 25% tryptophan per gram of food. Consuming normal quantities of these items is perfectly fine while taking 5-HTP supplements. The amount of tryptophan gained from food converts to minimal 5-HTP after the break-down process. Therefore, you'd have to eat a LOT of these foods to generate enough 5-HTP to negatively interact with supplements. Given the types of foods that contain the greatest quantities of tryptophan, it would be relatively difficult to consume a LOT of them.
What else is in 5-HTP supplements and are these additives safe?
Most quality brands of 5-HTP supplements contain only 5-HTP. Some reputable brands contain 5-HTP and Vitamin B6 and/or Vitamin B12 (Note: some labels list pyridoxal-5-phosphate, P5P, or PLP. This is a simplified form of B6.) The B6 (P5P/PLP) and B12 additives are beneficial because they help neutralize excess 5-HTP in the system. Other acceptable additives are L-tyrosine and L-glutamine, which help with the proper absorption of serotonin in the blood stream and digestive system. Since they allow for higher serotonin levels, they should be taken only when Vitamin B6 (P5P/PLP) is also included. For more information on brand differences, as well as recommended manufacturers and other details, please check the "Suppliers" page.
If you don't see the answers to your remaining questions here, please visit the "Forum" page and post them there. I will do my best to provide an educated, adequately researched response within 24 hours.
Disclaimer: These simplified explanations are based on my understanding of the medical and chemical terms and processes after extensive research. I have made every effort to investigate each word, reaction, process, etc. to the greatest extent. I am, by no means, an expert in either the medical or chemistry fields of study. Please feel free to consult an expert or conduct your own research for verification of any statement on this site.
ATTENTION MEDICAL AND CHEMISTRY PROFESSIONALS: If I have misinterpreted, misstated, and/or misrepresented any of the details of tryptophan and/or 5-HTP processes or definitions in relation to human physiology, PLEASE provide me with the correct information so I can update the statements on this site. Thanks!