I began researching the available information on the web for 5-HTP "natural nutritional supplements" to determine its possible benefits for depression/bipolar disorder sufferers like myself. What I found was an overload of misinformation, speculation, and contradictory 'testimonials', as well as adequate factual data and credible consumer statements. I also discovered that there is a large variety of manufacturers, not to mention the many ingredient variations. I spent a couple days sifting through hundreds (possibly thousands) of websites and the hundreds of thousands of collective posts among them. I decided to create this blog in an attempt to collect detailed, consistent data from individuals who have used 5-HTP for various illnesses/afflictions. I suppose you could call this my personal clinical trial study. As this site gains popularity, I anticipate rearranging the headings and information accordingly. I apologize, in advance, for any confusion this creates. I welcome any personal inquiries, in the event that you are not comfortable posting your question in the forum. Please feel free to e-mail me and I will do my best to respond within a day.
Purpose Statement
The purpose of 5-HTP Facts and Myths Data Search is to translate medical & chemical terminology, clarify & update existing web data, and inform potential consumers of known facts & misconceptions. Additionally, and more importantly, the site includes a forum for interested individuals to evaluate the brands, uses/purposes, side effects (short- and long-term), interactions, dosages, and successes of 5-HTP based on consistent, controlled feedback from consumers who have used this supplement. The ultimate goal of 5-HTP Facts and Myths Data Search is to enable appropriate researching of 5-HTP for personal use and determine its likely results for individuals based on the data provided.
I began researching the available information on the web for 5-HTP "natural nutritional supplements" to determine its possible benefits for depression/bipolar disorder sufferers like myself. What I found was an overload of misinformation, speculation, and contradictory 'testimonials', as well as adequate factual data and credible consumer statements. I also discovered that there is a large variety of manufacturers, not to mention the many ingredient variations. I spent a couple days sifting through hundreds (possibly thousands) of websites and the hundreds of thousands of collective posts among them. I decided to create this blog in an attempt to collect detailed, consistent data from individuals who have used 5-HTP for various illnesses/afflictions. I suppose you could call this my personal clinical trial study. As this site gains popularity, I anticipate rearranging the headings and information accordingly. I apologize, in advance, for any confusion this creates. I welcome any personal inquiries, in the event that you are not comfortable posting your question in the forum. Please feel free to e-mail me and I will do my best to respond within a day.
Purpose Statement
The purpose of 5-HTP Facts and Myths Data Search is to translate medical & chemical terminology, clarify & update existing web data, and inform potential consumers of known facts & misconceptions. Additionally, and more importantly, the site includes a forum for interested individuals to evaluate the brands, uses/purposes, side effects (short- and long-term), interactions, dosages, and successes of 5-HTP based on consistent, controlled feedback from consumers who have used this supplement. The ultimate goal of 5-HTP Facts and Myths Data Search is to enable appropriate researching of 5-HTP for personal use and determine its likely results for individuals based on the data provided.